venerdì 21 giugno 2019

Mail truffa - non rispondete a questa richiesta

Ci capita, ogni tanto, di dover pubblicare un intervento dove segnalare una mail dove richiedono i vostri dati personali, o la vostra partecipazione per portare avanti una truffa.

E' evidente che in questo caso, come altre volte, si tratta di un tentativo di furto dei vostri dati personali, o quantomeno tentativo di coinvolgervi in qualche azione illecita.

Molto spesso, inoltre, mail come quella che potete leggere di seguito, hanno come fine quello di rubarvi i dati: phishing

E quindi, attendi alla nuova mail bufala e non rispondete alla richiesta di Richie!

Qui il testo della mail.

My name is Richie Lai, a Client Relations officer at one of Canada’s foremost Cryptocurrency exchange platforms. This is a private and confidential message from me to you and I request that it be treated as such.

I am contacting you in respect of an urgent issue regarding a bit coin wallet belonging to a deceased account holder. The Bit coin (925 BTC) which was valued at over 7.2 Million USD was sold and converted to cash at the request of the late account holder for onward deposit to an account to be advised by her. We waited for months for info on the bank account for the deposit but never got a feedback. upon inquiry, it was confirmed that she passed on after a cancer related ailment.

At a meeting held by my management on the matter, it was resolved that unless a Next of Kin or any relative comes forward for claim on or before 30th of August 2019 ( which I know would ordinarily not be possible) the whole funds would be converted back to Bit Coin  and
becomes part of the Company's portfolio.

With the above in mind, I decided to quickly reach out to you  so that you can apply to my company for claim of this fund. 

Rest assured that this is a straight forward process and no risks involved whatsoever. 

Start to finish of the process with fund deposited in your nominated bank account can be achieved within a space of 5 banking days or less. 

All that I require from you is full corporation and sincerity. I will await your reply and indication of interest to furnish you with further details including sharing ratio.

Best Regards

Richie Lai

+1 FAKE (514) FAKE 443-5531 FAKE"

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